Saturday, August 30, 2014


Black winged shadows take flight over land,
Shrouding the earth in a veil of darkness.
Cold fingers grasping, withered hand,
Creeping stealthily, filling every crevice.
While high in the air, an orb of light,
Descends from her mighty throne,
And her pale brother takes flight,
But in midst of the stars, he's alone.

Copyright Aug. 30, 2014 by Christina Gatchel
This post may not be copied or reproduced without express permission from the author.


Clantine is the main character from Dragon Academy.

Type of Dragon: Fire
Career: Protector
Age: Hatchling at the beginning of Dragon Academy
Parents: Armangato and Flamedrake
Siblings: Willowill and Amnia
Favorite saying: "If I'm going to die, I'm going to die fighting. After all, what have I got to lose?"

Copyright Aug. 30, 2014 by Christina Gatchel
This post may not be copied or reproduced without express permission from the author.