Thursday, October 9, 2014

The dance of life

The dance of life lasts forever,
From morning to the setting sun,
The music never stops at all,
The dance is never done.
Every partner starts alone,
With little steps on little feet,
Others will teach them how to dance,
And for them, the dance is sweet.
Then, as the person finds the beat,
They try more complicated steps,
Sometimes it's frustrating, but
Before they know it, they do that dance best.
Then on and on they twirl and spin,
And watch the partners, hand in hand,
Until two meet and one will ask
If they may have this dance.
Then, partners, they will dance away
Through slow and fast, through every storm,
They smile as more dancers come,
And cry when others go away.
One day the partners will grow weary,
Struggling to step in time,
Then at last, they know its time,
And they must leave the dance of life.
Your dance of life will end one day,
So dance your best through thick and thin,
For those who leave the dance floor,
Cannot dance the dance of life again.

Copyright October 9, 2014 by Christina Gatchel. This post may not be copied or reproduced without express permission from the author.


  1. Beautiful poetry, Christina. Have you experimented with different forms? Here's a link you might enjoy. I think you would find the villanelle fun and challenging.

  2. Very good job young lady. Keep it up. Keep it up for sure.

  3. Beautiful! Brought tears to my eyes!

  4. You really are a great writer. :)
