Monday, November 10, 2014

The poem with a title that is completely pointless other than to fail at informing you the subject of the poem and to bore you before you even get to reading the poem which has no purpose other than to entertain and possibly inform or enlighten you or make you curl into a ball and cry. Simplified, a poem on poems.

What is the purpose of poems?
What makes the words poetry?
Is there something hidden between the lines
That only the crazy deep thinking nerds can see?
Some poems don't rhyme,
So rhyming's not the key,
Is it that poems must always contain
A secret, personal meaning?
What makes a poem a poem,
Is there a secret that makes it so?
If I knew it, I would tell you,
But honestly, I don't know.

Copyright November 10, 2014 by Christina Gatchel. This post may not be copied or reproduced without express permission from the author.

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